
What’s Your Hurricane Plan? Here Are Some Tips from The Experts

Just the way you would prepare your home before the hurricane and storm season arrives, your boat too requires a little extra care and attention before the weather gets unruly. Having a hurricane preparation plan and storm proofing your boat can save your vessel from a lot of potential damage and save you from incurring expensive repair costs. 

If you haven’t put together a hurricane preparation plan for your boat yet, it’s not too late to get started. Here are a few tips from the experts to help you make a safety plan for your vessel:

Move Your Boat to a Safe Location

The first thing you need to think about is location. Do you have a spot at a marina for your boat when it’s not in use or do you keep it in an indoor storage facility? Your boat’s storage location depends a lot on its size too, so think carefully about what seems like the safest and most practical location to store your boat ahead of storm season.

Can You Trailer Your Boat?

If your boat can easily be transported using a trailer, haul it out of the water and move it to a safe location, far away from where the tidal surge is expected. Remove all loose items, electronics and accessories from your boat and secure it as best as you can. If you are keeping your boat on land, don’t forget to remove the drain plug so that water doesn’t end up collecting inside.

Keeping Your Boat in a Marina

Many boaters feel safer keeping their boat in a marina berth or don’t have an option to transport it elsewhere. If this is the case, make sure to double all lines and ensure they are attached high on pilings so that they aren’t chafed or stretched when the tide rises and falls. You could also consider adding chafe gear protection where the lines will be coming in contact against sharp edges. Installing extra fenders to prevent damage to your boat’s hull would also be helpful. 

Don’t Plan to Head Out During Stormy Weather

Even if you are an experienced boater who has braved many storms, it’s not a very smart idea to plan any fishing trips or excursions at a time when the weather is likely to get unpredictable or hurricane warnings have started going out. Take precautions ahead of time so that you don’t end up risking your life or the safety of others.

Update and Check Boat Documents 

This would also be a good time to go over all your records and documents to ensure all the paperwork for your boat is up to date. Go over your insurance policy and if anything needs to be updated or changed, this is the time to make it happen. Check your terms and agreements with the marina, if you are using one, and complete an inventory list for all items onboard your vessel. 

Don’t Forget the Smaller Details

While you are focused on securing your vessel in its storage spot, don’t forget to look over all the smaller details that need to be taken care of as well. Disconnect all shore power cords and turn off water supply hoses and gas valves. Check for leaks and cracks and have them fixed in advance to avoid bigger damages. Remove electronics and other items that can get damaged by heavy rains and strong winds. 

At Mariner Marine, our expert West Palm Beach boat dealers are familiar with all the steps required to prepare boats for the storm season. Contact us to learn more about the latest boats for sale in Palm Beach County and other expert tips on how to maintain and protect your vessel.

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